Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

The history of Texas Heritage National Bank

Our bank was chartered in 1889 as The Bank of Daingerfield. In 1892, the bank converted to a National charter and the name became The National Bank of Daingerfield.

The bank was operated continuously since its inception, weathering both the Great Depression and the banking crisis of the 1980s.We are headquartered in Daingerfield, Texas which is the 4th oldest town in Texas and located in the beautiful piney woods of Northeast Texas.


Addition of the motor bank in Daingerfield.
Addition of the branch in Omaha.
Addition of the loan production office in Ore City followed by a full-service branch in 2003.
Addition of the loan production office in Sulphur Springs followed by a full-service branch to open in January 2009.
Addition of the branch in Sulphur Springs.
Addition of the loan production office in Gilmer.
Addition of the branch in Farmers Branch, and a full-service branch in Gilmer.


John A. Bryan, Sr. Chairman of the Board THNB/DHC Partner, Bryan Farms/Investments/Real Estate
Danny Bockmon Vice Chairman of the Board THNB/DHC Senior Partner, Bockmon Insurance
Russell Alexander CEO THNB/Board Member THNB/DHC Dallas
Daniel Castro President THNB/Board Member THNB/DHC Texas Heritage National Bank
Dwyatt Bell Board Member THNB/DHC, Company - Retired CEO Texas Heritage National Bank
Barefoot Bankhead Board Member THNB/DHC Texas Heritage National Bank
Janet Bryan Board Member THNB/DHC Owner, Naples Gift & Toy Shop/Partner, Bryan Farms
Edward Castro Board Member THNB/DHC President/CEO, GSM, LLC
Brian Applegate Board Member THNB/DHC Vice President, A&A Masonry, Inc.
Brenda Howard NMLS# 401796 Executive VP/Daingerfield Market President/Board Member Texas Heritage National Bank
Ricky Taff Board Member THNB TDR Contractor, Inc & Taff Land & Cattle


Russell Alexander CEO THNB/Board Member THNB/DHC Dallas
Samantha Stuart Executive Vice President/Chief Financial Officer Dallas
Daniel Castro NMLS# 630584 President THNB/Board Member THNB/DHC Gilmer
Chad Elledge Executive Vice President/Chief Risk Officer Gilmer
Brenda Howard NMLS# 401796 Executive Vice President/Daingerfield Market President/Director/DHC Daingerfield
Russ Knox Executive Vice President / Loan Officer Austin
Ralph Kramer Executive Vice President/Chief Credit Officer Austin
Miranda Martin Executive Vice President/Chief Operations Officer Daingerfield
Jennifer Folsom Executive Vice President/Finance Director/BSA Officer Daingerfield
Malisa Harrell Sr. Vice President- Compliance & Fair Lendings CRA Officer Daingerfield
Beth Wiley Sr. Vice President/Human Resources Director/Executive Asst to CEO Daingerfield
Kade Martin Sr. Vice President/Chief Information Officer Sulphur Springs
Kelly Patterson Sr. Vice President/Director of Mortgage Lending Sulphur Springs
Lauren Cowden NMLS# 2285218 Sr. Vice President/Sulphur Springs Market President Sulphur Springs
James Duke NMLS# 1159209 Vice President/Loan Officer Daingerfield
Lois McAnally Vice President / Branch Manager Dallas
Rhonda Shelton Vice President/Accounting Operations Daingerfield
Kristen Johnson Vice President/Director of Retail Operations/Security Officer Daingerfield
Bry Baker Vice President Direct of Loan Operations Daingerfield Omaha
Kelley Martin NMLS# 1148377 Vice President/Branch Manager/ Loan Officer Omaha
Micah Newton NMLS# 2229863 Vice President/Loan Officer Sulphur Springs
Shelby Williams Vice President/Mortgage Loan Administrator Sulphur Springs
Ellen Thomas Vice President/Underwriting Dallas
Ben Johnson NMLS# 1784942 Vice President/Loan Analyst/Loan Officer Dallas
Michele Barnes NMLS# 1018496 Vice President/Loan Officer Gilmer
Brandi Wilkerson Assistant Vice President/Relationship Manager Sulphur Springs
Aimee Howell Assistant Vice President/Lending Assistant Omaha
Jessica Leeves Assistant Vice President/Accounting Operations Daingerfield
Lisa Hobbs NMLS# 401811 Assistant Vice President/Branch Manager/Loan Officer Ore City
Marci Reeves Assistant Vice President/Loan Operations Specialist Daingerfield